Last night, I had Connor pretending to be a ghost. He waved his arms around and said "ooooo, OOOO" in the cutest little eerie voice. This morning when I tried to get him to do it again, he just pointed his finger at me and said, "no, NOOO!" So I thought great, he will never do it again and I won't get it on video for all to see. Well, we kind of got him to do it again tonight, although not quite as well as he did last night. But nonetheless, we did get it on video and here it is. I will try to get a better video another time, but at least you get the idea.
I have another funny story about Connor that I forgot to tell. We haven't officially started potty training yet, but we have bought a potty chair. I'm just trying to get him used to the potty chair so sometimes I sit him on it while I am getting his bath ready.
A few weeks ago I did this and I took off his crocs, shorts, and diaper and set him on the chair. He sat there for all of 10 seconds and stood up, put his crocs back on and took off running around the house. So, I have a naked toddler wearing crocs running around the house. I finish running his bath and find him in the kitchen along with Vinnie.
I started talking to Vinnie about I can't even remember what now, and I hear Connor saying something, but I am not quite sure what it is. I looked down and he is stompping his foot in a puddle of; you guessed it, pee. So Vinnie starts to clean up the pee and I go to pick Connor up and he starts to walk through it. Vinnie (accidentally letting a bad word slip) said, "Be careful, you're walking through the piss." And of course Connor repeated, "piss." Then as I started to walk off with him, I realized the other word he was saying while Vinnie and I were talking. Rain.