Friday, January 14, 2011

Domino Effect

One of the best things about being a mom, is rediscovering what was fun to you as a kid. Tonight when I picked up Connor from daycare, the kids were all coloring. Connor started looking at a Robots book and wanted to color a picture. Nicole was nice enough to let us tear out a few pages to bring home.

One of the pages he chose was from a scene where they set up dominoes to form a picture and watch them fall down in a chain reaction. You know, the domino effect! Why haven't I thought of showing Connor this before? I had forgotten how fun it is to set up dominoes and knock them down. Ok, so maybe I'm too easily amused. I'm a dork.

Anyway, I knew Connor would have fun with it, so I got the dominoes out when we got home and we set them up. We'd get about 15 or so up before one of us would accidentally knock them down. I was impressed with how well Connor was doing setting them up. He has such good hand-eye coordination. He was having so much fun with it. He would get several set up and then jump over them, and jump up and down next to them to see if they would fall down.

After our domino extravaganza we watched Robots, ate pizza and he colored his pictures. And of course no Robot viewing is complete without a Robot Dance Party at the end. There is a musical number at the end of the movie that Connor always dances too, and it is hilarious to watch him. I got it on video a few months ago, but I think he out did himself tonight. I was cracking up.

Here is the link to the video I took of him a few months ago, doing the "Robot Dance."

So, I have enjoyed my Friday night with my boy. Dinner, movie, dancing, played a game of dominoes. Yep, Friday nights are another thing that change with motherhood, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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