Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Face Lift

Like the new design? Isn't it pretty? The other night, after I made my first post in 4 months, I was bothered by the fact that I still had a fallish background. I scoured the internet for hours and hours to find the perfect background. Not really. I found this one in 5 minutes. But then my old font colors did not match my new background's colors.

I fiddled with blogspot for 30 min or so, trying to figure out how to change the font color. I couldn't remember from the last time I changed it, since I only blog every 5 months or so. Finally, I said eff it and went to bed.

I tackled it again last night, and I discovered templates! After you find a background you like, you can go to templates and it will slightly alter the appearance and layout and THAT is where you change the font color. Duh! I like how it has borders around each post and borders around the pictures. It makes it look more appealing and inviting. Not just words and pictures on a screen. Anyways I had fun messing around with it last night and I think I am satisfied with it, for now!

Ok, must go for now. Connor and I are going to make a marshmallow snowman from notimeforflashcards.

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